
Property Casualty 360 recently published an article by BuildFax founder and CEO, Holly Tachovsky. In the article, Holly analyzes historical construction activity for some of the country’s costliest storms, which brings clarity and insight to current recovery efforts for recent storms Irma and Harvey. Highlights from the article include: The intelligence that can come out

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For nearly a decade, BuildFax has been the leading source of property history and condition insights for some of the largest insurance companies in the country. Leveraging the nation’s largest database of building permits, construction data, and other publicly sourced information, BuildFax delivers detailed intelligence on roof, condition, maintenance history, and remodeling for more than

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Hurricane season is right around the corner, and five to nine Atlantic hurricanes are in the forecast. There’s a great article from Facility Executive that we ran across recently, which outlines a few ways to reduce personal property losses and storm-related injuries.   Business Interruption Exposure The first thing they bring up is reducing exposures

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There’s been a huge uptick in residential remodeling in the last several years. In some states, homeowners are investing more on average than others. To find out which states are spending the most, BuildFax analyzed the more than 80 million residential properties in our database to determine the average remodeling job cost per state in 2016 (for recorded job

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Recently on a hunch, we compared residential new construction and residential remodeling construction numbers over the lifecycle of the recent housing crisis. We suspected a lingering inequality trend between the two, and we found some pretty staggering results. For our study, we looked at just over thirty-seven million residential properties.     The hunch proved

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Policyholders forget to inform their carrier about a lot of property upgrades. But there’s one upgrade we’ve seen a massive uptick in over the last few years that you may not have thought of. Solar. This puts your policyholders at risk for being underinsured.     Increased Exposure – Don’t Leave Your Policyholders Underinsured! These property

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  BuildFax works with dozens of the largest insurance carriers by helping them harness our extremely valuable data set to understand property condition so they can more accurately assess risk. One of the primary areas we lend expertise in is assisting carriers with probable maximum loss (PML) calculations to secure more favorable reinsurance terms. We

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