major metros

The housing market showed healthy year-over-year growth across new and existing housing activity in July, although the pace of growth slowed in recent months. This time last year, housing activity showed the first signs of growth following the initial shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. While housing activity has continued its upward trajectory at the national

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After several months of significant growth in 2021, housing activity in June is showing initial signs of potentially cooling off. Although housing activity continued to increase across major indicators, the pace of growth has decelerated from the prior month. “The housing supply is declining at a slower pace and home price increases have also slowed—a

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In May, housing activity significantly increased, year over year, across all major indicators. Despite strong growth, intense housing supply shortages and sky-high prices still plague the market and pushed homebuyer sentiment to records lows in May. Although single-family housing authorizations are up 25.88%, year over year, housing starts are lagging new construction permits, prolonging inventory

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