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Ongoing supply-demand imbalance drives housing activity

The supply-demand imbalance propelled housing activity in 2021. While new construction activity saw tremendous growth, activity plateaued in recent months as homebuilders continue to face headwinds from supply-chain disruptions, expensive building materials, and severe labor shortages. Download the full report for the latest insights on U.S. housing activity. The BuildFax Housing Health Report leverages U.S.... Read More

Rising inflation looms over the housing market

As 2021 ends, there are concerns about whether homebuilding can sustain its pace amid inflationary pressures. This month, maintenance and remodel project costs jumped as homebuilders continue to face headwinds from supply-chain disruptions, labor shortages, and expensive building materials. Higher than expected inflation in 2022 could dampen the housing market outlook and further exacerbate the... Read More

Mounting inflation slows construction

In October, single-family housing authorizations remain relatively unchanged year over year, and the pace of growth has slowed since May. The current supply of homes on the market remains historically low, putting upward pressure on prices due to strong demand and supply-side constraints. Looking ahead, it is likely that higher inflation from housing will continue.... Read More

Housing activity holds steady as consumer confidence slides

Housing activity was largely positive in September, although the pace of growth has slowed from its white-hot trajectory following the COVID-19 pandemic. New construction increased alongside an uptick in homebuilder confidence, and existing housing activity showed healthy growth with pool construction surging compared to pre-pandemic levels. Although the spread of the delta variant and rising... Read More

Housing activity growth slows as consumer confidence wanes

Housing activity continues to show signs of stabilizing as the pace of growth has slowed in recent months. While new construction and maintenance activity showed healthy increases in August, remodel volumes experienced the first, albeit slight, year-over-year decrease for the first time since June 2020. This decline could suggest that consumer confidence in the housing... Read More

Housing market shows signs of stabilizing

New and existing housing activity experienced healthy year-over-year growth in July, yet the pace of growth has slowed in recent months, indicating that the market is stabilizing. This time last year, housing activity showed the first signs of growth following the initial shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. While housing activity has continued its upward trajectory... Read More

Housing market growth decelerates, indicating potential slowdown

Housing activity grew across all major indicators in June. However, the rate of growth has slowed from the prior month. Single-family housing authorizations increased 20.95% year over year, but decreased month over month for a third consecutive month, down 2.99%. Existing housing activity also increased year over year but growth decelerated from May, potentially driven... Read More

Remodeling rises in major metros as homebuyer sentiment drops

In May, single-family housing authorizations grew 25.88% year over year. However, housing starts have lagged permit volumes, which has slowed growing the housing stock. Prolonged inventory shortages and sky-high home prices have pushed homebuyer sentiment to record lows. Meanwhile, remodeling activity grew across most major metros, with Philadelphia and Chicago experiencing the most substantial growth... Read More

Housing market rallies as materials shortages intensify

The housing market strongly grew across almost all major indicators in April, with maintenance and remodeling activity skyrocketing relative to steep declines in activity experienced this time last year. Both new and existing housing activity have increased for nine consecutive months, which has helped create the dwindling buildings materials supply that may dampen future market... Read More

Housing hot streak continues one year into pandemic

One year since the novel coronavirus was declared a national pandemic, upward trends across new and existing housing activity reinforce that the U.S. housing market is beyond recovering to its pre-pandemic pace. This month’s BuildFax Housing Health Report explores housing trends over the past year to understand how the pandemic has affected housing activity during... Read More
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